Volume 13, Issue 1 (3-2021)                   jorar 2021, 13(1): 42-48 | Back to browse issues page

XML Persian Abstract Print

Department of Health in Disasters and Emergencies, School of Management and Medical Information, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Fars, Iran
Abstract:   (1602 Views)
INTRODUCTION: The importance of safety and prevention of traffic accidents have highlighted the necessity of research and investigation in this field. The present study aimed to identify and eliminate the risk factors underlying the occurrence of inner-city traffic accidents. In so doing, scientific and effective solutions can be provided at the lowest cost to implement the slogan of "prevention is better than cure".
METHODS: In this study, the accident rate-severity index method was used to identify traffic accident hotspots. The spatial units in which this index (I) was more than twice the average of the total spatial units were identified as Hot Zones
FINDINGS: In the present study, the study area (6,600 meters) was divided into 66 100-meter spatial units. Using the accident rate-severity method, 6 (600 m) and 19 (1900 m) spatial units were identified as Hot Zone (9.1%) and Yellow Zone (28.8%), respectively. Finally, 41 Cold Zone spatial units (62.1%) were identified (4,100 m).
CONCLUSION: As evidenced by the obtained results, the following measures can be effective in the reduction of road accidents: retrospection of traffic signs in terms of number, size, location, height, installation of speed bumps in the Hot Zone and Yellow Zone spatial units, timely pruning of trees along the road-construction of underpasses and overpasses in some important points of the route (accident hotspots and Yellow Zone). Furthermore, the development of a comprehensive and long-term educational program to improve traffic safety culture in kindergartens and schools can be effective in reducing road accidents.
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