Volume 1, Issue 2 (7-2009)                   jorar 2009, 1(2): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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MD, Institute of Applied Science & Technology, Tehran,Iran
Abstract:   (3573 Views)
INTRODUCTION: For activities betterment it is necessary to have a suitable and essential planning. The activities can be better performed base on circumstances if there is an appropriate attitude evaluation of the related people directly. This research is designed to study the feasibility of relief centers in big cities.
METHODS: This cross sectional research was done in big cities as Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz, Mashhad, and Tabriz in 2006. Using Gant method and municipality divisions, the questionnaires (600) were distributed randomly in each city aiming the feasibility study of districts relief centers.
FINDINGS: According to the findings, over 65/76 percent of responders were highly satisfied with organizing the districts relief centers in big cities. About 81 percent of responders were gratified with districts relief centers teams on the average.
CONCLUSION: The results show that people in big cities are highly interested in both organizing the relief centers and being active in the districts relief teams. Therefore, it is necessary to organize the districts relief centers regarding to Iran vulnerability and people's interest in relief activities.
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Short Reports or Letters: Research Article | Subject: Psychological support in disasters

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