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Quarterly Scientific Journal of Rescue and Relief
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Volume 16, Number 4 (2024-10)
Permanent Dedicating one of the Articles of Rescue and Relief Journal to Documentation or Lessons Learned from Disasters, Iran
Investigating the Role of Spiritual Care in the Health of Affected People by Earthquake and Help-Seekers
Presenting a Learning Organization Model Based on Knowledge Management, Innovative Organizational Culture, and Quality of Work Life in the RCS of Tehran Province
Modelling the Factors Affecting Disaster Management using Second Order Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Analysis of the Relationship between Employees Performance and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour in the RCS of Markazi Province, Iran
تحلیل رابطه عملکرد کارکنان با رفتار شهروندی سازمانی در جمعیت هلال احمر استان مرکزی
Career Motivation Rating of Athlete and Non-Athlete Volunteers of IRCS
Vulnerability Assessment of Konarak City to Urban Floods
Prioritization of Flood Vulnerability Criteria in Qirokarzin City, Fars Province, Iran
Prioritization of Flood Vulnerability Criteria in Qirokarzin City, Fars Province, Iran
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