Volume 16, Issue 4 (10-2024)                   jorar 2024, 16(4): 252-258 | Back to browse issues page

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Haseli F. Investigating the Role of Spiritual Care in the Health of Affected People by Earthquake and Help-Seekers: A Review Study. jorar 2024; 16 (4) :252-258
URL: http://jorar.ir/article-1-976-en.html
Master of Science in Nursing, Deputy Director of Health, Treatment and Rehabilitation, Iranian Red Crescent Society, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (82 Views)
INTRODUCTION: Human life is always faced with two types of natural and man-made disasters; in this meantime, earthquake rank first among natural disasters and spiritual care is one of the appropriate solutions for maintaining physical and mental health in crisis situations. The present study aimed to investigate the role of spiritual care in maintaining the health of earthquake affected people and help-seekers.
METHODS: In this integrated review study, 20 Persian and English articles were obtained through systematic computer searches with keywords including spiritual care, earthquake affected people and help-seekers from databases such as Cochrane Library, CINAHL, PubMed, Web of Science, PsycINFO, and Scopus between 2010 and 2022.
FINDINGS: According to the findings, spirituality is one of the factors that can reduce pain and suffering during an earthquake and even increase hope and the possibility of recovery, and is a source of support for people at risk. People with high spirituality, whether affected ones or relief aiders, have higher physical and mental health.
CONCLUSION: The results of the study showed that in distressing situations such as earthquake, spiritual care can play a significant role in improving the physical and spiritual health of affected ones or relief aiders. Therefore, it is recommended that training programs be designed and implemented to increase spiritual skills in affected people by earthquake.
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