Volume 15, Issue 3 (6-2023)                   jorar 2023, 15(3): 169-176 | Back to browse issues page

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Sohrabizadeh S, Bahramzadeh A, Khani Jazani R. Theoretical Analysis of Human Intervention in the Formation of Climate Change Phenomenon in Iran. jorar 2023; 15 (3) :169-176
URL: http://jorar.ir/article-1-863-en.html
Department of Health in Disasters and Emergencies, School of Health and Safety, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (534 Views)
INTRODUCTION: Climate change is a fact that is known globally, and Iran is a country that has been affected by climate events for a long time and is one of the factors that threaten the stability and flexibility of environmental systems, social systems, and quality of life of people. The current study was performed to explain the phenomenon of climate change in Iran based on the experience of experts and key informants.
METHODS: This qualitative research is a content analysis type. To collect data, in-depth interviews were carried out with 9 experts purposefully and it was continued until the data saturation stage was reached. For the reliability of the data, the strategies of validity, verifiability, trustworthiness, and transferability were used.
FINDINGS: According to the results, two main themes were extracted from the data: 1) Acceptors of human intervention in climate change: who believed in the impact of human activities and the existence of consequences of climate change in Iran; 2) Deniers of human intervention in climate change: that continuous change in climate and its changeable nature has existed forever on the planet and is not an issue that is dependent on human intervention.
CONCLUSION: Based on the findings, it is recommended to raise the level of awareness of society about the issue of climate change, along with training the people and organizations associated with climate change management, to reduce and adjust to the consequences of climate change. In addition, it is suggested to perform a phenomenological qualitative study to explain the phenomenon of the intensification of climate change about the interventions of humans in their environment, and the intensification of the consequences of climate change.
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