Volume 16, Issue 3 (6-2024)                   jorar 2024, 16(3): 162-168 | Back to browse issues page

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Shamsizad G, Daneshfard K, Faghihi A. Challenges and Opportunities of Public Participation in Disaster Management Policies in IRCS. jorar 2024; 16 (3) :162-168
URL: http://jorar.ir/article-1-950-en.html
Professor, Public Administration Department, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (183 Views)
INTRODUCTION: Considering the high number of incidents and disasters in Iran and the importance of the issue, this research investigates the challenges and opportunities of people's participation in the implementation of disaster management policies in the Iranian Red Crescent Society (IRCS).
METHOD: The research is applied in terms of purpose and mixed in terms of method. In the first stage, structured interviews were conducted with 20 experts and informants in the field of disaster management. Then, data was analyzed through content analysis and open coding, and components of challenges and opportunities were extracted using Maxquda software. Finally, a researcher-made questionnaire for challenges and opportunities based on the findings of the qualitative part was design and its validity and reliability using was confirmed by experts and Cronbach's alpha respectively and were distributed among 365 managers and employees related to disasters.
FINDINGS: According to the findings, in the qualitative section, the main challenges include coordination and organization, lack of people’s participation in decision-making, conflict of interests, participation sustainability, level of knowledge and awareness, and resistance to change, as well as the opportunities include increasing efficiency and effectiveness, the use of local knowledge, strengthening the sense of responsibility, communication improvement, cost reduction and strengthening social solidarity. The results of quantitative part, showed that strengthening the sense of responsibility, use of local knowledge and communication improvement with an average of 11.86%, 10.38% and 9.46% respectively of the most important opportunities and conflicts of interest, the level of knowledge and awareness and coordination and organization with an average of 10.43%, 9.37% and 9.35% respectively are the most important challenges.
CONCULSION: The results showed that solving the challenges and strengthening the opportunities for people's participation will lead to the success and effectiveness of the implementation of the policies and will lead the society to the direction of prosperity, prevention of wastage of resources, casualties’ reduction and sustainable development. Thus, it is suggested to develop educational programs, strengthen organizational structures, etc. in order to improve people's participation in disaster management.
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1. Bhaduri RM. Leveraging culture and leadership in crisis management. European Journal of Training. 2019; 43 (5/6): 534-49. [DOI:10.1108/EJTD-10-2018-0109]
2. Azzahra AA, Fudhula'i AS, Asadollah AR, Roidah HD, Hapsari A, Mawarni D, editors. Analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats in Humanitarian and Disaster Organizations: Literature Review. 3rd International Scientific Meeting on Public Health and Sports (ISMOPHS 2021); 2022: Atlantis Press. [DOI:10.2991/ahsr.k.220108.016]
3. https://www.isna.ir/news/1401021912171 (In Persian)
4. Babaei Rayeni E, Poursaeed MM, Kazemi M, Ebrahiminejad Rafsanjani M. Prerequisites for Community-based Disaster Risk Management in Iran. JORAR. 2021;13(3):187-92. (In Persian) [DOI:10.32592/jorar.2021.13.3.3]
5. Mahdieh O. Investigating the Effect of Public Participation on Crisis Management Performance. Disaster Prev. Manag. Know. 2020; 10 (2) :126-141
6. URL: http://dpmk.ir/article-1-328-fa.html (In Persian)
7. Abbasi A, Motazedian R, Mirzaei M. Examining the obstacles to the implementation of public policies in government organizations. Organizational Resource Management Research. 2016;6(2):49-69. (In Persian)
8. Nikzad J, Motamed H, Mashayekh P, Ghasemi Zad A. Mechanisms of Role-playing NGOs in Crisis Management (Case Study: Iranian Red Crescent Society). Disaster Prev. Manag. Know. 2022; 12 (2): 7. (In Persian)
9. Amoozad Khalili S, Rashidy A, Pirdashti H. Considering the role of public participation to improve urban crisis management and its effective elements based on Ragers' public participation theory, case study: Behshar city. Disaster Prev Manag Know. 2018; 8 (3) :255-268 (In Persian)
10. Hamedani P, Rostami R. The role of social participation in improving the performance of urban space crisis management, case study: Robat Karim city. Sustainable City. 2021;3(4):95-105. (In Persian)
11. Zafari H, Valipour M. Investigating the participation of people's groups in the management of the Corona crisis. Crisis Management Studies. 2022;14(1):11-43. (In Persian)
12. Azodi V, Hasan Mirzaei M. The role of people's participation during the 2012 Bam earthquake. Quarterly journal of Kerman Police Science. 2014; 1393(7): 30-49. (In Persian)
13. Nourollahi B. The role of public participation in crisis management (with a look at Tehran's urban management approach in attracting public participation). The 5th International Conference on Comprehensive Management of Natural Disasters, 2013. (In Persian)
14. Yuwanto L, Handoko R, Maduwinarti A. Implementation of disaster risk reduction policy: moderating effect of community participation. Journal of Public Policy and Administration. 2021;5(4): 163-167 Doi: 10.11648/J.Jppa.20210504.17 [DOI:10.11648/j.jppa.20210504.17]
15. Kanyasan K, Nonaka D, Chatouphonexay A, et al. Implementation of disaster risk reduction and management policies in a school setting in Lao PDR: a case study. Tropical Medicine and Health. 2018; 46:1-12 Doi:10.1186/s41182-018-0124-7 [DOI:10.1186/s41182-018-0124-7]
16. Khairilmizal S, Hussin M, Ainul Husna K, et al. Implementation of disaster management policy in Malaysia and its compliance towards international disaster management framework. International Journal on Information. 2016; 19:3301-6.
17. Hu X, Naim K, Jia S, Zhengwei Z. Disaster policy and emergency management reforms in China: From Wenchuan earthquake to Jiuzhaigou earthquake. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 2021; 52:101964. [DOI:10.1016/j.ijdrr.2020.101964]
18. Juma EM, Mbataru P. determinants of disaster management policy implementation in Nairobi city county, Kenya. Journal of International Business, Innovation and Strategic Management. 2021;5(3):95-113.
19. Torkian M, Daneshfard K, et al. Model analysis of effective factors on the implementation of crisis management policies. J Rescue & Rescue Quarterly. 2022;14(2):86-96. (In Persian) [DOI:10.32592/jorar.2022.14.2.2]
20. Bhaduri RM. Leveraging culture and leadership in crisis management. European Journal of Training. 2019; 43 (5/6): 534-49. [DOI:10.1108/EJTD-10-2018-0109]
21. Azzahra AA, Fudhula'i AS, Asadollah AR, Roidah HD, Hapsari A, Mawarni D, editors. Analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats in Humanitarian and Disaster Organizations: Literature Review. 3rd International Scientific Meeting on Public Health and Sports (ISMOPHS 2021); 2022: Atlantis Press. [DOI:10.2991/ahsr.k.220108.016]
22. https://www.isna.ir/news/1401021912171 (In Persian)
23. Babaei Rayeni E, Poursaeed MM, Kazemi M, Ebrahiminejad Rafsanjani M. Prerequisites for Community-based Disaster Risk Management in Iran. JORAR. 2021;13(3):187-92. (In Persian) [DOI:10.32592/jorar.2021.13.3.3]
24. Mahdieh O. Investigating the Effect of Public Participation on Crisis Management Performance. Disaster Prev. Manag. Know. 2020; 10 (2) :126-141
25. URL: http://dpmk.ir/article-1-328-fa.html (In Persian)
26. Abbasi A, Motazedian R, Mirzaei M. Examining the obstacles to the implementation of public policies in government organizations. Organizational Resource Management Research. 2016;6(2):49-69. (In Persian)
27. Nikzad J, Motamed H, Mashayekh P, Ghasemi Zad A. Mechanisms of Role-playing NGOs in Crisis Management (Case Study: Iranian Red Crescent Society). Disaster Prev. Manag. Know. 2022; 12 (2): 7. (In Persian)
28. Amoozad Khalili S, Rashidy A, Pirdashti H. Considering the role of public participation to improve urban crisis management and its effective elements based on Ragers' public participation theory, case study: Behshar city. Disaster Prev Manag Know. 2018; 8 (3) :255-268 (In Persian)
29. Hamedani P, Rostami R. The role of social participation in improving the performance of urban space crisis management, case study: Robat Karim city. Sustainable City. 2021;3(4):95-105. (In Persian)
30. Zafari H, Valipour M. Investigating the participation of people's groups in the management of the Corona crisis. Crisis Management Studies. 2022;14(1):11-43. (In Persian)
31. Azodi V, Hasan Mirzaei M. The role of people's participation during the 2012 Bam earthquake. Quarterly journal of Kerman Police Science. 2014; 1393(7): 30-49. (In Persian)
32. Nourollahi B. The role of public participation in crisis management (with a look at Tehran's urban management approach in attracting public participation). The 5th International Conference on Comprehensive Management of Natural Disasters, 2013. (In Persian)
33. Yuwanto L, Handoko R, Maduwinarti A. Implementation of disaster risk reduction policy: moderating effect of community participation. Journal of Public Policy and Administration. 2021;5(4): 163-167 Doi: 10.11648/J.Jppa.20210504.17 [DOI:10.11648/j.jppa.20210504.17]
34. Kanyasan K, Nonaka D, Chatouphonexay A, et al. Implementation of disaster risk reduction and management policies in a school setting in Lao PDR: a case study. Tropical Medicine and Health. 2018; 46:1-12 Doi:10.1186/s41182-018-0124-7 [DOI:10.1186/s41182-018-0124-7]
35. Khairilmizal S, Hussin M, Ainul Husna K, et al. Implementation of disaster management policy in Malaysia and its compliance towards international disaster management framework. International Journal on Information. 2016; 19:3301-6.
36. Hu X, Naim K, Jia S, Zhengwei Z. Disaster policy and emergency management reforms in China: From Wenchuan earthquake to Jiuzhaigou earthquake. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 2021; 52:101964. [DOI:10.1016/j.ijdrr.2020.101964]
37. Juma EM, Mbataru P. determinants of disaster management policy implementation in Nairobi city county, Kenya. Journal of International Business, Innovation and Strategic Management. 2021;5(3):95-113.
38. Torkian M, Daneshfard K, et al. Model analysis of effective factors on the implementation of crisis management policies. J Rescue & Rescue Quarterly. 2022;14(2):86-96. (In Persian) [DOI:10.32592/jorar.2022.14.2.2]
39. Bhaduri RM. Leveraging culture and leadership in crisis management. European Journal of Training. 2019; 43 (5/6): 534-49. [DOI:10.1108/EJTD-10-2018-0109]
40. Azzahra AA, Fudhula'i AS, Asadollah AR, Roidah HD, Hapsari A, Mawarni D, editors. Analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats in Humanitarian and Disaster Organizations: Literature Review. 3rd International Scientific Meeting on Public Health and Sports (ISMOPHS 2021); 2022: Atlantis Press. [DOI:10.2991/ahsr.k.220108.016]
41. https://www.isna.ir/news/1401021912171 (In Persian)
42. Babaei Rayeni E, Poursaeed MM, Kazemi M, Ebrahiminejad Rafsanjani M. Prerequisites for Community-based Disaster Risk Management in Iran. JORAR. 2021;13(3):187-92. (In Persian) [DOI:10.32592/jorar.2021.13.3.3]
43. Mahdieh O. Investigating the Effect of Public Participation on Crisis Management Performance. Disaster Prev. Manag. Know. 2020; 10 (2) :126-141
44. URL: http://dpmk.ir/article-1-328-fa.html (In Persian)
45. Abbasi A, Motazedian R, Mirzaei M. Examining the obstacles to the implementation of public policies in government organizations. Organizational Resource Management Research. 2016;6(2):49-69. (In Persian)
46. Nikzad J, Motamed H, Mashayekh P, Ghasemi Zad A. Mechanisms of Role-playing NGOs in Crisis Management (Case Study: Iranian Red Crescent Society). Disaster Prev. Manag. Know. 2022; 12 (2): 7. (In Persian)
47. Amoozad Khalili S, Rashidy A, Pirdashti H. Considering the role of public participation to improve urban crisis management and its effective elements based on Ragers' public participation theory, case study: Behshar city. Disaster Prev Manag Know. 2018; 8 (3) :255-268 (In Persian)
48. Hamedani P, Rostami R. The role of social participation in improving the performance of urban space crisis management, case study: Robat Karim city. Sustainable City. 2021;3(4):95-105. (In Persian)
49. Zafari H, Valipour M. Investigating the participation of people's groups in the management of the Corona crisis. Crisis Management Studies. 2022;14(1):11-43. (In Persian)
50. Azodi V, Hasan Mirzaei M. The role of people's participation during the 2012 Bam earthquake. Quarterly journal of Kerman Police Science. 2014; 1393(7): 30-49. (In Persian)
51. Nourollahi B. The role of public participation in crisis management (with a look at Tehran's urban management approach in attracting public participation). The 5th International Conference on Comprehensive Management of Natural Disasters, 2013. (In Persian)
52. Yuwanto L, Handoko R, Maduwinarti A. Implementation of disaster risk reduction policy: moderating effect of community participation. Journal of Public Policy and Administration. 2021;5(4): 163-167 Doi: 10.11648/J.Jppa.20210504.17 [DOI:10.11648/j.jppa.20210504.17]
53. Kanyasan K, Nonaka D, Chatouphonexay A, et al. Implementation of disaster risk reduction and management policies in a school setting in Lao PDR: a case study. Tropical Medicine and Health. 2018; 46:1-12 Doi:10.1186/s41182-018-0124-7 [DOI:10.1186/s41182-018-0124-7]
54. Khairilmizal S, Hussin M, Ainul Husna K, et al. Implementation of disaster management policy in Malaysia and its compliance towards international disaster management framework. International Journal on Information. 2016; 19:3301-6.
55. Hu X, Naim K, Jia S, Zhengwei Z. Disaster policy and emergency management reforms in China: From Wenchuan earthquake to Jiuzhaigou earthquake. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 2021; 52:101964. [DOI:10.1016/j.ijdrr.2020.101964]
56. Juma EM, Mbataru P. determinants of disaster management policy implementation in Nairobi city county, Kenya. Journal of International Business, Innovation and Strategic Management. 2021;5(3):95-113.
57. Torkian M, Daneshfard K, et al. Model analysis of effective factors on the implementation of crisis management policies. J Rescue & Rescue Quarterly. 2022;14(2):86-96. (In Persian) [DOI:10.32592/jorar.2022.14.2.2]
58. Bhaduri RM. Leveraging culture and leadership in crisis management. European Journal of Training. 2019; 43 (5/6): 534-49. [DOI:10.1108/EJTD-10-2018-0109]
59. Azzahra AA, Fudhula'i AS, Asadollah AR, Roidah HD, Hapsari A, Mawarni D, editors. Analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats in Humanitarian and Disaster Organizations: Literature Review. 3rd International Scientific Meeting on Public Health and Sports (ISMOPHS 2021); 2022: Atlantis Press. [DOI:10.2991/ahsr.k.220108.016]
60. https://www.isna.ir/news/1401021912171 (In Persian)
61. Babaei Rayeni E, Poursaeed MM, Kazemi M, Ebrahiminejad Rafsanjani M. Prerequisites for Community-based Disaster Risk Management in Iran. JORAR. 2021;13(3):187-92. (In Persian) [DOI:10.32592/jorar.2021.13.3.3]
62. Mahdieh O. Investigating the Effect of Public Participation on Crisis Management Performance. Disaster Prev. Manag. Know. 2020; 10 (2) :126-141
63. URL: http://dpmk.ir/article-1-328-fa.html (In Persian)
64. Abbasi A, Motazedian R, Mirzaei M. Examining the obstacles to the implementation of public policies in government organizations. Organizational Resource Management Research. 2016;6(2):49-69. (In Persian)
65. Nikzad J, Motamed H, Mashayekh P, Ghasemi Zad A. Mechanisms of Role-playing NGOs in Crisis Management (Case Study: Iranian Red Crescent Society). Disaster Prev. Manag. Know. 2022; 12 (2): 7. (In Persian)
66. Amoozad Khalili S, Rashidy A, Pirdashti H. Considering the role of public participation to improve urban crisis management and its effective elements based on Ragers' public participation theory, case study: Behshar city. Disaster Prev Manag Know. 2018; 8 (3) :255-268 (In Persian)
67. Hamedani P, Rostami R. The role of social participation in improving the performance of urban space crisis management, case study: Robat Karim city. Sustainable City. 2021;3(4):95-105. (In Persian)
68. Zafari H, Valipour M. Investigating the participation of people's groups in the management of the Corona crisis. Crisis Management Studies. 2022;14(1):11-43. (In Persian)
69. Azodi V, Hasan Mirzaei M. The role of people's participation during the 2012 Bam earthquake. Quarterly journal of Kerman Police Science. 2014; 1393(7): 30-49. (In Persian)
70. Nourollahi B. The role of public participation in crisis management (with a look at Tehran's urban management approach in attracting public participation). The 5th International Conference on Comprehensive Management of Natural Disasters, 2013. (In Persian)
71. Yuwanto L, Handoko R, Maduwinarti A. Implementation of disaster risk reduction policy: moderating effect of community participation. Journal of Public Policy and Administration. 2021;5(4): 163-167 Doi: 10.11648/J.Jppa.20210504.17 [DOI:10.11648/j.jppa.20210504.17]
72. Kanyasan K, Nonaka D, Chatouphonexay A, et al. Implementation of disaster risk reduction and management policies in a school setting in Lao PDR: a case study. Tropical Medicine and Health. 2018; 46:1-12 Doi:10.1186/s41182-018-0124-7 [DOI:10.1186/s41182-018-0124-7]
73. Khairilmizal S, Hussin M, Ainul Husna K, et al. Implementation of disaster management policy in Malaysia and its compliance towards international disaster management framework. International Journal on Information. 2016; 19:3301-6.
74. Hu X, Naim K, Jia S, Zhengwei Z. Disaster policy and emergency management reforms in China: From Wenchuan earthquake to Jiuzhaigou earthquake. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 2021; 52:101964. [DOI:10.1016/j.ijdrr.2020.101964]
75. Juma EM, Mbataru P. determinants of disaster management policy implementation in Nairobi city county, Kenya. Journal of International Business, Innovation and Strategic Management. 2021;5(3):95-113.
76. Torkian M, Daneshfard K, et al. Model analysis of effective factors on the implementation of crisis management policies. J Rescue & Rescue Quarterly. 2022;14(2):86-96. (In Persian) [DOI:10.32592/jorar.2022.14.2.2]

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