Volume 17, Issue 1 (1-2025)                   jorar 2025, 17(1): 29-33 | Back to browse issues page

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Mollamohammad Alian Mehrizi Z. Studying the effect of the Single-Module Educational System of the Comprehensive University of Applied Sciences on the Knowledge and Skills of First Aid in IRCS Rapid Response Teams in Northwestern Provinces, Iran. jorar 2025; 17 (1) :29-33
URL: http://jorar.ir/article-1-999-en.html
Abstract:   (66 Views)
INTRODUCTION: The modular curriculum system is a powerful tool for empowerment in the labor market, due to the strengthening of certain specific skills for employed individuals or individuals who intend to work in jobs with special skills. this study was conducted to investigate the effect of single-module educational system on the knowledge and skills of first aid in the IRCS rapid response teams in northwestern provinces, Iran.
METHODS: In this descriptive-analytical study, data collection was done through pre and post-test scores as a measure of first aid knowledge in the study group. All aid workers of rapid response teams in the mentioned provinces (63 people) were examined and selected. The knowledge and skills of the participants before and after training were assessed using questions designed by expert trainers.
FINDINGS: The findings showed that the total information of the selected aid workers from four northwestern provinces of the country including Ardabil (16 people), West Azerbaijan (17 people), East Azerbaijan (15 people) and Zanjan (15 people) was analyzed after the first aid modular curriculum training. The participants were all male with a mean age of 31.6±5.3 years. The mean theoretical scores of aid workers in all provinces increased significantly after the training (p<0.001).
CONCLUSION: According to the results, the comparison of theoretical scores before training among the four provinces indicates a significant difference between the average knowledge of aid workers before training; so that East Azerbaijan and West Azerbaijan provinces have the lowest and highest average theoretical scores, respectively, which is a significant difference. The difference in the average skill scores in the four provinces after training is significant, so that Ardabil and East Azerbaijan provinces have the highest and lowest average skill scores, respectively.
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