Volume 5, Issue 2 (7-2013)                   jorar 2013, 5(2): 69-52 | Back to browse issues page

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Ghanbri A, Salaki Maleki M A, Ghasemi M. Selection Optimum Location of Temporary Housing bases for Affected People of Earthquake with Fuzzy Approach. jorar 2013; 5 (2) :69-52
URL: http://jorar.ir/article-1-154-en.html
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Geographical Research, University of Tabriz,Tabriz, Iran
Abstract:   (4400 Views)

Background: Natural hazards have been recognized as the major causes of human settlements destruction. At present, earthquake is one of the most dangerous natural disasters in the world that always has been shown its importance. It is a natural disaster which can create a major catastrophe ba sed on its magnitude in a short time. Tabriz as one of the major cities in Iran, placed at high-risk area in earthquake zoning map. The company of “Tehran Padyr” is carried out the earthquake sub-zoning plan is predicted the maximum of 426 thousand casualties in Tabriz. Such a seismic potential along with old and marginal tissues and historical earthquake records made this catastrophic humanitarian crisis predictable. Basic strategy of crisis management is to reduce the harmful effects after earthquake by building ba ses of temporary housing to accommodate the affected people. It is necessary to build temporary housing and rescue and relief ba ses ba sed on identifying potential seismicity with its strategic location and also presence of more than one million and six hundred thousand people in Tabriz city.
Methods: In this study, seven natural and human criteria were chosen in order to identify suitable land for constructing of temporary housing ba ses. By using FUZZY-TOPSIS model and incorporating la yers in ARC GIS, the appropriate adjustment map is extracted. Finally, the optimum locations were selected due to the criteria of area, appropriateness of dimensions, land use consistency and ownership.
Findings: This research indicated that seven acres of land consists of 4 parks in the central and marginal parts of the city were found and selected as the best places with very high consistency; 170 acres with high consistency; and 1339 acres with medium consistency. However, these will not meet the needs of Tabriz city population.
Conclusion: According to the results, there is unreasonable and improper distribution of open spaces to build temporary housing and camps for affected people after earthquake in Tabriz; thus, urban management and land of Tabriz certainly will not accommodate or settle the affected ones in the earthquake.

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